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Data Examples

Gas Prices vs Foot Traffic Gas price graph REIT vs 2019 REIT graph Manhattan Migration Manhattan migration map Location Traffic

Sample Report

Marriot report
We were pitched a residential building that was close to the Bellevue business district. Advan data revealed that nobody working in Bellevue lives in that neighborhood, we saved ourselves a big headache.
National Real Estate Investor
Advan’s employee and truck traffic counts have been the perfect way to measure performance of healthcare equipment manufacturers.
Top Tier Fundamental Hedge Fund PM

Why leading companies choose us

andurand bentall-green-oak bloomtree blue-heron brookfield carlyle-group clarion-partners colliers compass-health jll kline mead-hunt metro-speed purpose pwc ready-capital rivian rowe-price sephora
andurand bentall-green-oak bloomtree blue-heron brookfield carlyle-group clarion-partners colliers compass-health jll kline mead-hunt metro-speed purpose pwc ready-capital rivian rowe-price sephora

Foot Traffic

Business trends and insights on over 150 Million buildings, retailers and factories.

7,000+ Companies

Traffic, Dwell Times, Revenue Forecasts

Beat the Market

Our foot traffic data is a proven predictor of financial performance with forecasts more accurate than analysts' expectations.


Go beyond Census to accurate and timely individual profiles.

Global Data

Our 300 Billion monthly data points provide unmatched insights into consumer and business trends.


CCPA and GDPR compliant. Anonymized, user opt-in data only.